Whilst slouching about looking for some good stuff to discuss, I stumbled upon the mother-load. Credit goes to the individual sites listed. Please feel free to post any comments here.
Today and executive order rescinding the order for Michael Carneal to testify in the case of Michael Carneal v. J. David Donahue, et al., was rescinded. [SoS]
Tell me if this sounds familiar. Efforts to boost transparency in states are often thwarted by old patterns of secrecy. [HuffPo]
Kentucky is the worst state in the country for cutting funding for mental health issues. We are clearly winning the future here in the Commonwealth. [H-L]
Steve Beshear says he is turning up the heat on David Williams. Maybe so. But let’s get real. Neither have a clue what’s really going on. Beshear just has more power to spend tax dollars campaigning. Or will the KDP be reimbursing the state for that airfare? And then for the use of state resources to push out press releases, talking points and such? Should we hold our breath? [Amanda Van Benschoten]
Mitch McConnell, who has never had an original idea of his own, is now blaming Barack Obama for high gas and oil prices. [The Hill]
The world should still be afraid that these people thought Sarah The Quitter Palin was qualified to do anything but breathe. [HuffPo]
Ben Chandler is “Boehner Boy” and he is in action. You are welcome. [DownWithTyranny]
OxyContin abuse has spread from Appalachia across the United States. It’s a shame our legislature and Hal Rogers wasted so much time on a ridiculous and costly meth bill instead of working to tackle the pill epidemic ruining Eastern Kentucky as we speak. [McClatchy]
Ten people died in ten separate crashes on Kentucky roadways Monday, March 7 through Sunday, March 13. [Press Release]
Mental lightweight Michele Bachmann is mangling everything, duh. This time it’s Revolutionary history. [HuffPo]
The Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act in its entirety, is set to be introduced on Wednesday. [The Advocate]
An Italian author wrote a book on the history of Harlan coal miners. [H-L]
Some crazy stuff is happening in these United States of America. Welcome to March 2011. Winning the future! [Wonkette]
Oh, how true. “On the one hand, it kills me to go another month without winged-skull seat covers for our Suburban, but on the other, I can’t bear the thought of my kids opening the kitchen cupboard and finding only three or four different kinds of Doritos,” Schmeltzer added. “But right now we just can’t have both. It’s a nightmare.” [HAHAHA]
Yes, health care costs have continued to rise. But as we’ve reported multiple times, only about a percent of those increases can be attributed to health care reform – and that’s according to health insurance companies. [Geoff Davis]
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